How Liberty Street Can Offer Surprisingly Low Costs For Quality Estate Planning

If you know you need to put together or update an estate plan, but you are not flush with cash, you may be considering assembling the documents yourself using a DIY legal handbook or an online service. However, the cost savings of trying to cobble together your documents this way may evaporate in the long run, if you make a mistake or you learn your will is not going to stand up in court, or perhaps your designation for a power of attorney is someone who is barred in Georgia from serving in that position.

Our founding attorney, Tom Greene, has an extensive background not only in estate planning, but also financial and business planning, and he brings that financial savvy to his practice of estate law. Tom can draw upon his professional expertise to create quality estate planning documents that will withstand the highest level of legal scrutiny. And our firm's efficiency allows us to provide all this to you at a rate competitive with any lawyer offering similar services.

Why Should I Hire An Attorney For Estate Planning, Anyway?

You may still not be 100 percent convinced that you need a qualified attorney to draft your estate documents. But consider this:

  • State and federal laws governing estates are changing all the time, and it often takes digging to determine how a new law or court ruling will impact your personal situation. For example, in the last few years, Georgia has overhauled its trust and power of attorney laws.
  • You will need not just a will, but a full set of complementary documents to complete your estate planning. We understand how to create all of them, and how they fit together.
  • Few of us have the simple, cut-and-dried, financial circumstances upon which online sites and DIY books base their forms. Liberty Street can advise you on how to deal with special situations appropriately.

Tom Greene understands how to provide asset protection for both your business assets and your personal assets, using tools such as revocable trusts and limited liability companies to provide maximum safety.

Use Our Experience To Your Advantage

Our estate planning package fees usually run lower than those you will find for other firms offering similar services.

For a free assessment of your estate planning needs and charges, call our office in Athens at 706-207-0401 or email us via our online contact form.